The more time passes here in D.C. the more exciting events that
occur. This past week I was able to attend both a Nationals baseball game and
Capitals hockey game, as well as volunteer at an organization known as Bread for
the City. These experiences were super exciting, but the focal points of my week
would be interviewing a congressional staffer, and volunteering at the National
Conference on Citizenship (NCOC) conference. In just two days I made memories
that I will long not forget.

Before jumping into the events that occurred during my interview
and at the conference I think it is important to provide the background
information of how I ended up conducting an important interview with a congressional
staffer, and volunteering at a national conference, all in a matter of forty eight hours.

During my fall 2012 semester I was able to take a course at Nazareth College known
as Campaigns, Voters, and Elections with Dr. Kneeland. This class was a game
changer that ultimately opened my eyes to the professional goals I wish to pursue.
While in the class we were able to Skype with a Nazareth Alumni who was serving as
Finance Deputy Director for a senatorial campaign. The Skype session was very memorable; 
it was not long after I arrived in Washington that I reached out to my professor so that
could contact those Nazareth Alumni I found so interesting. Within a matter of
weeks I found myself sitting in a congressional building, interviewing a
congressional staffer. This was HUGE for me; I learned so much and gained so
much new understanding for the field. I am so grateful to have been exposed to
 such a professional resource.

Transitioning from the interview to the conference I will now explain how such
fortunate events occurred. On Wednesday of this past week I was informed by my
supervisor that volunteers were needed for the NCOC conference. In all honesty I did not know
what that was, but  a wise person told me in order to experience D.C. to the fullest do not be
afraid to say yes, so I said yes, I would volunteer for the conference on both Thursday and Friday.
The NCOC waschartered by Congress in 1946. According to their official website the NCOC,
“continuously explores what shapes today’s citizenry, define the evolving role of the individual in
our democracy, and uncover ways to motivate greater participation.” At the conference I had
the duty of greeting and ushering. These duties, made it possible to meet
everyone that attended the conference. This also made it very possible to network and
meet, if only briefly, the first ever woman four star general, a running back for the Washington
Redskins, David Rubenstein, several Congressmen and women, and the founder!
(where I intern). While ushering people to their seats Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen asked to
take a picture with me! I am not entirely sure why, but I was honored, and gladly took her
staffers business card. The conference ended with a naturalization ceremony,
something I had never witnessed. Witnessing a naturalization ceremony not only
in D.C. in the U.S institute of Peace, but with the Lincoln memorial as the
backdrop has to be one of the most memorable and beautiful experiences I have
ever had.

On a side note, my internship not only gave me the opportunity to
participate an incredible experience, I am also participating in some exciting
event planning. My ideas are being seriously considered and I look forward to
going into more detail as the event

On an endnote, I had an incredible week, met wonderful people,
and increased my excitement for whatever else is to come my

Caitlin Murphy
9/30/2013 12:34:01 pm

Nicole! What an amazing week you had indeed. Thanks for all of the vivid details and for the beautiful balance of all that is going on for you. Your transitions, word choice, and tone were spot on! Great work:)


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