At the end of my stay in D.C. I will be able to say I was never bored. Events that have occurred this past week have been both pleasant and very surprising. Two serendipitous and exciting events have occurred. One event I have been holding off to share with the cyber world until the very right time. I am glad to finally be able to explain what has been happening to me in D.C. these past couple of weeks. So without further delay I will now explain how I have started a new internship and attended the White House Garden Tour.

Before I talk about my new internship I would like to just
  disclaim that in no way,  shape, or form is my new internship placement due to a negative experience or my own actions at my last internship. I am still on great terms with the wonderful staff, and look forward to their correspondence. At a later time, I may go into details of the situation, but for now I believe the main point of this discussion is to discuss my new internship position at the Center for American Progress (CAP)! Through a whirlwind process I was interviewed and accepted an internship position within a week.  According to CAP’s website the organization, “is an independent nonpartisan educational institute dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action.” I will be in a part of the center known as the “war room.”  My task will be focused around communication and research. I am so looking forward to sharing more about the internship. Who knew I would get two experiences s out of one semester!?  Today was the first day and it was super exciting and overwhelming at the same time. I do not mean overwhelming in a bad way. I just want to help out with so many things, it is wonderfully overwhelming. I am looking forward to the future!

Through unforeseen events I was able to attend the White House Garden Tour this past weekend.  I often visit the White House during lunch breaks, as it is close to my old and new internship. However, on Sunday I was to go behind the gate and tour the White House grounds!  It felt surreal; walking where you know so many past presidents have walked before.  I was able to see Sasha and Malia’s swing set, the White House vegetable garden, the White House beehive, and just be really close to the White House in general.  Although I did not see the First Lady or First dog, I am still extremely happy with my experience, 

Unforeseeable events occur, and it is our attitudes that will create the experiences we gain.  I had no idea that I would be able to pursue a different internship. The moral of these past few weeks has been to stay patient, optimistic, and willing.  It is understandable how easy it can be to give in to pessimistic behavior and negative thoughts, but attitude is completely everything.  I would not have predicted that the importance of a good attitude would be something I gained in DC. I believe the best attitude is careful blend of realism, optimism, and patience. To this point that attitude has done wonders for me.

10/28/2013 12:06:12 pm

Hey Nicole,
I am so jealous that you were able to go tour the rose garden! But at least you took tons of pictures so I can live vicariously through you. Congratulations on your new internship you totally deserve this wonderful opportunity.
-Shannon McCullough

Caitlin Murphy
11/21/2013 07:14:24 pm

Nicole, you are right, attitude is everything! As we discussed in our chapters in class, it can make or break any first impression or relationship. I am so happy you are finally at ease and realize that your unique experience of two internships in one semester is actually a bonus and something that many students do not get the opportunity to experience! Awesome!


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